Since its founding in 1962, Houses of Hope has provided individuals "a chance and a choice." Houses of Hope has continued to provide services to individuals in recovery from substance use and related mental health disorders, offering the opportunity for integration back into this community. We have evolved into three programs and four residential facilities which are adequately staffed for the level of service each provides.

If you truly want a life changing experience and live a clean and serene life Houses of Hope is a great transitioning point! Great friendly staff and just overall a great experience...Grateful for my life today!
S.M. - former client

Since our grassroots beginning, we have evolved into three programs—Halfway House (transitional residential substance use), Touchstone (short-term residential substance use) and TASC (Targeted Adult Service Coordination).
our programs
Houses of Hope operates three halfway house facilities. Each provides an alcohol/drug free transitional living environment for adult males who have completed primary alcohol/drug treatment who need additional support to return to independent living. While in the halfway house, individuals will maintain employment, participate in individual and group counseling, develop skills needed to deal with day-to-day issues and engage in 12-step recovery groups.

River Sipe
Touchstone, a highly structured short-term residential substance use treatment facility for adults (men and women), is operated in a collaboration between Houses of Hope and CenterPointe. Touchstone offers individual and group counseling, psychotherapy, nursing and case management components. Touchstone addresses substance use and related mental health issues through both 12-step and cognitive orientation to treatment.

The TASC program is a collaboration between Houses of Hope, Blue Valley Behavioral Health, Lutheran Family Services and The Bridge Behavioral Health. TASC provides blended Intensive Community Services, Crisis Response Teams, Emergency Community Support for adult men and women and System of Care services for youth. Services focus on intervention, stabilization, maintenance and coordination, that supports the recovery and enhances quality of life so individuals achieve successful integration into the community. Services are staffed 24/7 and serve both rural and urban areas.

TEL: 402-435-3165 FAX: 402-435-0430 / INFO@HOUSESOFHOPE.COM
HOURS 8:30AM-5:00PM